9:30 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Morning Worship Service
4:30 PM Deacons’ Meeting
5:30 PM Children’s Choir
5:30 PM Evening Worship Service
11:30 AM Sr. Adult Valentine Lunch (Entertainment by the Spirit Strings)
6:00 PM WMU at Jan Clinkscales (hosted by Betty Lynch)
5:30 PM Finance Meeting
5:30 PM Supper (Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables)
Volunteers: Margaret Bell & Debbie Goodman
6:15 PM Prayer Meeting/Bible Study, Mission Friends, RAs, GAs, & Youth
7:15 PM Choir
12:00 PM Office Closed
8:00 AM Upward Games
Looking Ahead:
Feb. 16th—Lord’s Supper
Feb. 16th—Church Conference at 5:30 PM
Feb. 23rd—Scott Stevens with Texas Baptist Missions Foundation
Mar. 15th—GBA Open Golf Tournament at Colony Creek
Mar. 30th—5th Sunday Sing at 5:30 PM
Apr. 13th—Easter Cantata at 5:30 PM